
Frequently Asked Questions
We've arranged questions and answers into several categories to make it easier to find the information you need. Don't hesitate to email us if don't find your question here, or if you need a more detailed answer.
Is website2Go For Me?
What website2Go does, and how it fits your business needs.
General FAQ
How website2Go works and what your subscription includes.
Getting Started
Setting up your new site and understanding domain names.
Technical FAQ
Information about the Internet, the Editor's tools, and maintaining your site.
Doing Business on the Web
Good general advice about using the Internet to build your business.
How to Make Your Site Successful
Useful tips for getting the most out of your new site.
Glossary of Web Terms
Translating WebSpeak into plain English.
website2Go User Guide
Complete online help for all of your website2Go tools, including a printable Quick Reference.
website2Go Terms & Conditions
Website2Go - instant web sites for business, with secure shopping cart option, easy site editor, unlimited free updates. sale, discount, special, web hosting, free templates, web site, instant, ecommerce, shopping cart, web site 2 go, web site to go, website templates, website, template, e-commerce, small business, catalog, free domain name, free web address, cost-effective, website creation, maintenance, DIY, do it yourself, do-it-yourself.